coaching communication consulting

Williams Consulting

Empowerting Transformation!

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Customized, high quality and innovative solution development workshops, coaching, communication and consulting services to empower & support you towards your goals.

Why Williams Consulting

Clarity I Empowerment I Transformation I Success

“My unique blend of expertise paired with access to a wide range of experts on various topics, will allow a holistic approach and equip you with valuable tools, deep insights, and access to your resources. Together, we will empower you to achieve transformation and reach your goals with confidence & success.”

We’ve Got You Covered

Coaching & Consulting

Individual/team/small group coaching & consulting on various topics!


TV, social media, events, people moderations & individual interviews!

Training & Workshops

Live & online workshops. Empower yourself & your team as you go!


CI/CD, branding, presentations, social media, SEM, campaigns & more.

We’ll Show You How It’s Done

Since our passion is to EMPOWER YOU, we have produced workbooks and worksheets where you can learn, gain & implement information on your own.

Customized solutions. We make it easy to connect.

Customized Solutions. We Make it Easy to Connect.

Don’t you worry. We love finding solution for your pains and together, we will make it happen! Your part is to be fully engaged in the process & to execute on your homework.

What We Can Do 4 YOU

Coaching & Consulting

 Individual 1:1 coaching & consulting services (EN, DE):   

  • Clarity and decision support coachings
  • Finding your passion, roadmap development
  • Deeper understanding of yourself and your environment with DISG
  • Outplacement and career coachings, including application and social media networking support

Individual & team coaching consulting services:

  • Situation analysis, resource, solution, orientation and roadmap development to enable transformation
  • Time and self management
  • Successful communication and teambuilding with DISG
  • Startup coaching support in the fields of marketing and communication

    Moderation & Interviews

    Moderation & interviews for social media, tv, events (EN, DE):

    • Moderation: tv, workshops, events
    • People interviews: online and live
    • Presentations: prep and support

    Training & Workshops

    Live, online workshops, workbooks & more (EN, DE):

    • Various leadership workshops and trainings for enterprises (national and international)
    • DISG workshops
    • Communication workshops on how to give feedback and communicate in one-on-ones and teams
    • Find your passion workshops
    • Individual marketing and social media workshops
    • Online self-education workbooks
    • Online academy (in the making)

      Marketing & Communication

      Consulting & Coaching Services MarCom (EN, DE): 

      • Concepts, media, marketing and campaigns
      • Marketing communication planning
      • Target group analysis and development
      • Pitch deck, value proposition, UAP/USP/UBR
      • Website and SEM 
      • Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn
      • Blogs and Vlogs
      • Corporate identity and design
      • Graphic design and logo development

      About Me

      Let us build together!

      I’m a coach & consultant who supports people and businesses on various topics. With over 15 years of experience in communication, marketing, projects, coaching & consulting in the world of various industries, I know how to develop sustainable solutions.

      After many years of coaching and leadership experience with different stakeholders as well as further training, I can draw on a wealth of experience, as well as of learnings.

      Coaching Communication Consulting, about us

      Feedbacks and Chats

      Andy M.

      Andy M.
      Marketing & Business Sidekick for SMEs & Founders

      „Es war eine tolle Erfahrung, mit Natalie am SAE Institute in Zürich zu arbeiten. Gemeinsam unterstützten und coachten wir die Bachelor-Studenten in Marketingkommunikation beim Markt- und Zielgruppenanalyse-Pitch. Natalies tiefes Verständnis von Marketing und ihre kreative Herangehensweise haben uns sehr geholfen, echte, anwendbare Lösungen für unsere Studenten zu entwickeln.

      Es war ein Vergnügen, mit Natalie zu arbeiten. Ihre klare und motivierende Art, Wissen zu vermitteln, hat uns alle inspiriert und die Qualität der Projekte sichtlich gesteigert. Sie hat nicht nur den technischen Tiefgang, sondern bringt auch viel Energie und Inspiration in die Gruppe.

      Ich kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Natalie nur empfehlen. Ich freue mich schon auf weitere Projekte mit ihr.“

      Daniel M.

      Daniel M.
      Unternehmer im Bereich der Bildung und Therapie für Kinder und Jugendliche

      „Natalie hat uns tatkräftig bei der Umsetzung einer Multichannel-Kampagne für unsere öffentliche Schule unterstützt. Von Plakaten, DDOH & SEA hat Natalie die gesamte Koordination und auch die Produktion von Text und Video übernommen. Vielen Dank für Ihr großes Engagement, das es uns ermöglicht hat, den sehr engen Zeitplan einzuhalten!“

      Zoltan F.

      Zoltan F.
      CEO Versicherungsmakler, MF Invest

      „Ich hatte Coaching-Sitzungen zu den Themen Kundenmanagement, Expansion und Social Media für mein Unternehmen. Die Beratungen waren auf mich zugeschnitten, professionell und dennoch mit einer Leichtigkeit durchgeführt. Ich bin in meiner Sache weitergekommen und kann Natalie als Coach und Beraterin sehr empfehlen!“

      Sevdalina D.

      Sevdalina D.
      Digital Marketing Manager

      „Die Arbeit mit Natalie ist sehr angenehm und zielorientiert! Ich kann die Zusammenarbeit mit ihr jedem empfehlen, der einen kompetenten Coach sucht und gleichzeitig Offenheit, Humor und Menschlichkeit schätzt.“

      Oliver G.

      Oliver G.
      Teambeschleuniger GmbH

      „Ich lernte Natalie als TV-Moderatorin kennen. In einem Fernsehinterview befragte sie mich zu meiner Karriere und dem Thema LEGO Serious Play. Das Interview war gut vorbereitet und strukturiert. Dank ihrer charmanten Art konnte Natalie mich durch das Interview führen und ich konnte mich ganz auf den Gesprächsfluss einlassen.“

      Christian S.

      Christian S.
      Geschäftsführer bei SCHAZO AG

      „Ich kenne Natalie seit vielen Jahren und bei OBI sind wir wieder auf geschäftlicher Ebene in Kontakt gekommen. Ich schätze ihre klare Kommunikation, den professionellen und freundlichen Austausch sowie die Zusammenarbeit.
      Auch bei Tele D hat sich Natalie als emphatische, kommunikative und verantwortungsvolle Person gezeigt. Ich empfehle Natalie gerne weiter.“

      Elmar B.

      Elmar B.
      Key Account Manager & Coach

      „Ich lernte Natalie vor einigen Jahren als Marketingleiterin bei Schober kennen. Die Zusammenarbeit war für beide Seiten inspirierend und ich schätze Natalies positive „Can do“-Mentalität. Gerne bestätige ich ihr Marketingwissen und empfehle Natalie weiter.“

      Arnold S.

      Arnold S.
      Head of Category Polymers & Energy at SIG Combibloc Procurement AG

      “Ich kenne Natalie schon seit vielen Jahren. She started her career with me in the Purchasing team where, in addition to the usual procurement activities, she drove forward digitalization projects and initiated and implemented other projects. She was a member of the SAP key-user team and optimized procurement-related processes. As a vocational trainer, she was responsible for training and coaching trainees. Natalie knows how to identify complex interrelationships, develop solutions and implement them. Her likeable can-do mentality contributes significantly to her success. Ich kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Natalie sehr empfehlen.”

      Atilla R.

      Atilla R.
      T-Systems, Schweiz

      „Ich habe Natalie als Karrierecoach kennengelernt. Sie zeichnet sich nicht nur durch ihre Freundlichkeit aus, sondern auch durch ihre aufmerksame Art zuzuhören und ihre Fähigkeit, konstruktive Vorschläge zu machen. Die Zusammenarbeit war äußerst positiv und inspirierend.“

      Amin C.

      Amin C.
      Founder e-cyclus

      „Im Rahmen des RUNWAY Startup Inkubators der ZHAW und des Technoparks Winterthur konnte ich mit Natalie individuelle Online-Coachings zu den Themen Vertrieb und Social Media Marketing absolvieren.

      Sie war sehr proaktiv und authentisch und hat uns so viele Tipps wie möglich gegeben. Auch auf individuelle Fragen ging sie ein und war sehr hilfsbereit. Ich kann Natalie daher nur weiterempfehlen und bedanke mich an dieser Stelle nochmals für die Weitergabe ihrer Erfahrungen und Ideen, die uns in Zukunft produktiv weiterhelfen werden!“

      Daniela D.

      Daniela D.
      Key Account Managerin IT Branche

      „Im Rahmen von ProMove TM hatte ich Karriere-Coaching-Sitzungen mit Natalie, die individuell auf mich zugeschnitten waren. Die Sitzungen mit Natalie waren immer auf meine individuellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten. Natalie holte mich in meiner aktuellen Situation ab und wir vereinbarten gemeinsam meine Ziele, die ich auch erreichte. Sie ging auf meine Wünsche ein und dank ihrer offenen und einfühlsamen Art hat es sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
      Ich kann Natalie jedem empfehlen, der sich neu orientieren und weiterentwickeln möchte - sie unterstützt einen!“

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      Andy M.

      Andy M.
      Marketing & Business Sidekick for SMEs & Founders

      «It was a great experience to work with Natalie at the SAE Institute in Zurich. Together we supported and coached the bachelor students in marketing communication in the market and target group analysis pitch. Natalie's deep understanding of marketing and her creative approach helped tremendously to develop real, applicable solutions for our students.

      Natalie was a pleasure to work with. Her clear and motivating way of imparting knowledge inspired us all and visibly increased the quality of the projects. She not only has the technical depth, but also brings a lot of energy and inspiration to the group.

      I can only recommend working with Natalie. I'm looking forward to more projects with her.»

      Daniel M.

      Daniel M.
      Entrepreneur in the field of education and therapy for children and young people

      «Natalie actively supported us in realising a multichannel campaign for our public school. From posters, DDOH & SEA, Natalie took over all coordination and also production of text and video. Thank you very much for your great commitment, which made it possible to meet the very tight schedule!»

      Zoltan F.

      Zoltan F.
      CEO Insurance Broker, MF Invest

      «I had coaching sessions on customer management, expansion and social media for my business. The consultations were tailored to me, professional and yet conducted with an ease. I have moved forward in my matter and can highly recommend Natalie as a coach and consultant!»

      Sevdalina D.

      Sevdalina D.
      Digital Marketing Manager

      «Working with Natalie is very pleasant and goal-oriented! I can recommend working with her to anyone who is looking for a competent coach and at the same time values openness, humour and humanity.»

      Oliver G.

      Oliver G.
      Teambeschleuniger GmbH

      «I got to know Natalie as a TV presenter. In a TV interview, she asked me about my career and the topic of LEGO Serious Play. The interview was well prepared and structured. Thanks to her charming manner, Natalie was able to guide me through the interview and I was able to let myself go in the flow of the chat.»

      Christian S.

      Geschäftsführer bei SCHAZO AG
      Christian S.

      “I have known Natalie for many years and at OBI we came into contact again on a business level. I appreciate her clear communication, the professional and friendly exchange, as well as the cooperation.
      At Tele D, Natalie has also shown herself to be an emphatic, communicative and responsible person. I am happy to recommend Natalie to others.”

      Elmar B.

      Elmar B.
      Key Account Manager & Coach

      “I got to know Natalie a few years ago as Marketing Manager at Schober. The collaboration was inspiring for both sides and I appreciate Natalie's positive “can do” mentality. I am happy to confirm her marketing knowledge and recommend Natalie to others.”

      Arnold S.

      Arnold S.
      Head of Category Polymers & Energy at SIG Combibloc Procurement AG

      “I have known Natalie for many years. She started her career with me in the Purchasing team where, in addition to the usual procurement activities, she drove forward digitalization projects and initiated and implemented other projects. She was a member of the SAP key-user team and optimized procurement-related processes. As a vocational trainer, she was responsible for training and coaching trainees. Natalie knows how to identify complex interrelationships, develop solutions and implement them. Her likeable can-do mentality contributes significantly to her success. I can highly recommend working with Natalie.”

      Atilla R.

      Atilla R.
      T-Systems, Schweiz

      “I got to know Natalie as a career coach. She is characterized not only by her friendliness, but also by her attentive way of listening and her ability to make constructive suggestions. The collaboration was extremely positive and inspiring.”

      Amin C.

      Amin C.
      Founder e-cyclus

      “As part of the RUNWAY Startup Incubator of the ZHAW and Technopark Winterthur, I was able to complete individual online coaching sessions on sales and social media marketing with Natalie.

      She was very proactive and authentic and gave us as much advice as possible. She also responded to individual questions and was very helpful. I can therefore only recommend Natalie and would like to thank her once again for sharing her experiences and ideas, which will help us productively in the future!”

      Daniela D.

      Daniela D.
      Key Account Managerin IT Branche

      “As part of ProMove TM, I had career coaching sessions with Natalie that were individually tailored to me. The sessions with Natalie were always tailored to my individual needs. Natalie picked me up in my current situation and together we agreed on my goals, which I achieved. She responded to my wishes and thanks to her open and empathetic manner, it was a lot of fun.
      I can recommend Natalie to anyone who wants to look and move forward - she supports you!”

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      Interested in driving growth with coaching, communication and consulting? Have a general question? We’re just an email away.

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